Which type of hearing test, hearing aid, or hearing health appointment should you book? To help you choose, here is a list of all appointment types and the reasons you'd book that type. If you're still not sure, call us and we'll be happy to take your booking over the phone.
Take the first step to understanding your hearing health with a hearing test. We offer different types of tests to suit your individual situation.
Full hearing test plus immediate recommendations based on test results.
A pure-tone hearing test, ideal for workplace testing. A simple visual of hearing ability is created.
A full hearing test with a medical report for a family physician or ENT.
Our professional team takes care of your hearing aid needs from start to finish. We take pride in personalizing your hearing aids just for you.
We discuss hearing aid styles and options that are best suited for your particular type of hearing loss and lifestyle.
We review and adjust your personal hearing aid settings and volume to best suit you.
A 90 minute assessment for military and RCMP need to make a hearing loss or tinnitus claim. Includes hearing test, tinnitus assessment, and paperwork.
We diagnose and fix your hearing aids if they are not working or if there is a broken piece that needs repair. We specialize in many brands including Oticon, Bernafon, Starkey, Phonak, and Sonic.
We give your hearing aids a cleaning while checking them over to ensure everything is working as it should.
Our full-service hearing clinic includes many special services including customized ear mold impressions and ear cleaning.
We take ear mold impressions for the creation of custom in-ear monitors and custom hearing protection.
We use an earlite pick, suction, or flushing. It is recommended to use ear drops 2 days in advance. Ear wax removal is $45 to $65 per ear.
4920 50 Avenue
Beaumont, Alberta
T4X 1J9
Phone: (780) 737-7117
Fax: (780) 737-8667
Open Weekdays: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm